
Product Name : Macassar Ebony Fingerboards S4S
Trade Name : Macassar, Ebony, Marble Wood
Latin Name : Diospyros Celebica
Origin : Celebes Islands (East Indies), possibly also Maluku, Borneo, very rare as veneer wood because it only grows with small dimensions.
Place of Use : Highest quality architectural woodwork, inlays and musical instruments.
Properties : The wood is black with brown regular to green-brown streaks. The wood has a distinct sheen and is most decorative.
Size : 9 x 70 x 400 MM / 9 x 70 x 500 MM / 9 x 70 x 700 MM / 9 x 80 x 700 MM
Grain : Quarter / Semi Quarter / Flat
Grade : AAA / A / AB