
Kreasi Indah Cemerlang produces high quality veneers of wood in different grains with their good slicing machineries in the natural wood veneer. We have increased our production capacity to the highest level using the latest hi-tech press of drying. Highest quality logs, selected by our experienced log buyers are produced at our modern and efficient production facilities. Maximum exploitation and thus most economic use of this valuable raw material is also ensured by slicing cutting the valuable wood into thin veneer leaves generally only 0.07 - 5 mm thick. From an ecological point of view this aspect is of such great importance that this should be explained in greater detail by means of a comparative example. To summarize, the following main reasons are given as to why the production of veneer should be given preference over other comparable woodworking methods:
  • Growth, texture and grain of the log can be optimally adapted to the production process.
  • Unlimited design possibilities are given during initial production and subsequent usage of the veneer.
  • Raw material lumber is used to its maximum extent quantity-wise.
Over and above these practical reasons, many people are simply fascinated by the endless variety of wood species and their inexhaustable richness in colors, textures and patterns.This is natural beauty which delights us over and over again. We hope it will delight you, too. Making veneer is the most decorative and at the same time most economical way of producing high quality, genuine wood facing materials. Modern production technology makes exploitation of wood to veneer possible in a manifold of ways. Between 800 and 1000 sqm of veneer are produced from one cubic meter of lumber. No other kind of woodworking renders such a yield.
Veneer kayu | veneer jati | veneer import | veneer walnut | veneer white oak KIC perusahaan mengolah kayu veneer jati, veneer import, veneer walnut, veneer white oak, veneer ebony, veneer amara, veneer mahoni, veneer mindi, veneer meranti, veneer nyatoh, veneer cherry, veneer sungkai, veneer white ash, veneer red oak, veneer maple